Never Forget Your Roots

A Daily reflection from my upcoming book

Joy: There’s No Reason Not To
Lessons from Under My Mother’s Roof
by Todd Keough

Never forget your roots.

My Mom always taught me to remember those who came before. In a world that is so fast paced we often forget to reflect on those who came before us. I stand on the shoulders of so many generations of family and ancestors. I have the opportunity to learn and love from these great people. I also have the opportunity to learn from both the good and the bad and to allow the good to penetrate my soul and for the unbecoming or hateful ways of the past to be lessons learned and grow from them and break those patterns. Our roots allow us to be who we are today and teach us about love, life, and strength. In a me first world we often forget how much we all need the we of our past.

Today’s Reflection:

World: Have I forgotten the past and the ones who came before me? How can I use the lessons and love that they brought to inspire the world? What gifts are at my disposal because of those who came before me and how can I bring these gifts to the world? Please reflect, write, and take action.

Self: How can I incorporate my ancestors and relatives into all my functions this day. How can I let the good of the people from my past envelop me and allow me to bring that good to the world? How can I release the fear and negativity of that which is not needed? My roots reach deep within to the soul of my being how can and will I nourish my roots today and take care of all aspects and parts of me? Reflect, write, and take action.

Prayer: Great mystery please allow the roots of my soul to be nourished. May I move towards the beautiful of those who came before me and feel them enriching and enliven my soul. Let today be the start of healing and the continuation of love for my ancestors and for those who will come after. Root me deeply within you and the branches of your love so I may be deeply rooted in myself and love the world with all my being.

Affirmation: Remembering my roots allows me to be fully who I am today without reservation and fear but living in peace and love.

Always Add a Little More Sugar

A Daily reflection from my upcoming book

Joy: There’s No Reason Not To
Lessons from Under My Mother’s Roof
by Todd Keough

Always Add a Little More Sugar
It never hurts to put a little more sugar in. In life this is also true. If you add a little sugar to your speech and how you interact with others you will make others feel good and bring a little more joy into this world. There is never a reason to add too much sugar or things can end up too sweet. Your sweetness must be genuine if you over do it you act out of a place of trying to please rather than a place of kindness. You never need to please anyone but it never hurts to add a little sugar so you bring joy in both your life and someone else’s.

Today’s reflection:

World: Today think of one action you can do to add a little more sugar to the world. Where have you seen a little sweetness lacking in this world or with those you have interacted with? How can you be the one who brings sweetness into that situation? Is it at work? Home? School? Look into your own self and picture where that sweetness has been lacking. Now take two minutes and write about where you have seen sweetness lacking and how you would like to bring a little sugar into that area today.

Self: Now I want you to think of one area where you have not added sugar in your own life. How have you not been sweet to your self? Where have you been bitter? Is it the way you have spoken to yourself? Is it the way you have treated yourself? Where have you not sprinkled sugar on yourself? How can you add a little sugar into your own being today? Now take two minutes and think or write these down.

Prayer: Today I ask to open myself up and see where I can add a little sugar into this world. Great and Holy Spirit you want me to be kind to others and myself. Help me today to bring a little sugar to all those I encounter and see especially myself. I enter the mystery of this day and ask that I have the willingness to sprinkle sugar and love into the hearts I encounter. I pray that I am not a people pleaser rather that I am true to others and myself. You know where I am needed and how to shake me out best so please allow me to be open to this mystery.

Affirmation: I will be a little bit of sugar in this world today for myself and others allowing my sweetness to flow throughout this world.

Everyone Is Welcome

A Daily reflection from my upcoming book

Joy: There’s No Reason Not To
Lessons from Under My Mother’s Roof
by Todd Keough

I was taught that everyone is welcome. My Mother always told me that my door should be open to all people. I sometimes let my own fears or insecurities not allow me to open the door to all people. I believe that those who may think differently than me or have different opinions than mine should not be welcomed. This is not only to the door of my home but also to the door of my heart. I shut people out who may need me or that I may need. I must fight against my inclinations of fear and embrace all people with love even those who may have differing views than my own.

Today’s Reflection:

World: Where have I not allowed others to fear included because of my own fear and insecurity. What types of people can I not accept? What types of people do I not welcome into my home or heart? Is it people who look different than me? Think differently? Who even may have opposing politic views? Or maybe even people who spew hate? In what ways can I find ways to welcome these people and engage them with love instead of fear? Close your eyes and envision for two minutes and then write down and act upon it.

Self: What aspects of myself have I not embraced today out of fear? What part os myself are unwelcome guests who I do not let enter my house or heart or when they come I ridicule them? Is it the parts that I fear are dark? Or stupid? Or fat Or not talented? How can I welcome those parts into myself  so I can embrace the wholeness of who I am. Reflect for a few minutes on this and write down these thoughts and come up with one way you will embrace yourself more fully today.

Prayer: Oh great healing Spirit that envelopes the world. Please come and soften my heart and allow me to be there for other and welcome them in. Not in a way that hurts or harms me but in a way where I can be the love that society needs. Please help me to not answer fear and hatred with the same but instead with love. Please spread your loving and nurturing spirit around me so I live in love instead of fear.

Affirmation: I am the face of love that this world needs and I will encounter all I meet and see with a welcoming spirit of love and compassion instead of fear.