The shamanic journey begins with your feet buried in earth and hands reaching for the heavens. Through journey work, counseling, and readings together we can locate your path to wellness. I have been trained to work with my ancestors, allies, and spirits, to walk deeply into your world and enter into your being and space and help reconnect you with what has been lost through certain deep and healing practices that have been around for generations.
It is hard to put into words the healing that can happen through the use of this deep sacred medicine. I am able to help you reconnect with yourself through removing obstacles either physically or emotionally. I enter into a sacred space with you and help you discover the true essence of who you are while also helping you become grounded. This is done through using all the tools I have been giving sacred touch, deep soul encounter, holy breath work, intuitive discovery, and interpersonal communication. This work is sacred and ancient and can really allow one the freedom and love they are looking for.