Celebrate People's Accomplishments
A daily reflection from my upcoming book
Joy: There’s No Reason Not To
Lessons from Under My Mother’s Roof
by Todd Keough
It is so important to celebrate when people accomplish something it allows the to feel appreciated and that they have really done something. We are so critical of one another in this society we always are told what we are doing wrong or how we can do something better. It is crucial that we hear and our acknowledged we do in the world. A job promotion, a graduation, a new house, a beautiful enriching discovery of the depth of who someone is. We need to celebrate the accomplishments of those we love so they know how deeply we appreciate them. We also need to celebrate ourselves. We are so critical in our heads and can be so negative and self-deprecating. We allow all these voices to damage are sense of self worth or feel we have not done a good enough job . So, when you do something celebrate yourself. It can in any way that you would like and in any means that celebrates how much you did.
Who in my life has accomplished something that needs to be celebrated? How do I celebrate those in my life? Do I believe in celebration? How can I be a positive influence in others lives and allow some of the negativity to be shut off by praising and celebrating rather that critiquing?
Reflect, write, and take action
What have I done lately that needs to be celebrated? Is there some minor victory that has happened in my life that needs to be acknowledged and celebrated and how can I do that? DO you deserve you believe to be celebrated ask that deep beautiful part of your soul that know you deserve love and celebration?
Reflect, write, and take action
The one who celebrates and acknowledges all the good we do please help me be a positive force in the world and to help people shut out the negative voice in their heads and their hearts. Allow me to know myself more fully and more deeply help me celebrate who I am and who I have become. Thank you for this day where I can celebrate all aspects of who I am.
Today I will find one way to celebrate someone in my life bringing them some joy and positivity. I also will celebrate myself by doing one beautiful special thing for myself. I will give myself a celebration.